請用最新的瀏覽器和操作系統:Google Chrome,Firefox,MS Edge,Safari 或 Opera 的最新版本。
Please use the most up-to-date browser and operating system: Newest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, Safari or Opera.
請確保互聯網連接速度超過500 Kbps。
Please ensure good Internet connection with 500+ Kbps.
如果使用移動設備,建議用穩定的Wi -Fi 連接。否則,需要使用數據連接。
If you are using mobile device, please ensure stable Wi-Fi connection.
Otherwise, please use mobile data for connection.
Please make sure that the sound/volume is enabled on your browser or device, or you may try to restart your browser or device.
If you want to watch videos on the entire screen, please click 'Full Screen' button on the bottom-right corner of the video player, you may also exit full screen by clicking the same button.